
– Poland Church Records
– Poland Genealogy
– Poland Holdings of the Polish State Archives
– Poland Online Genealogy Records
Poland: Research Outline, etc.
Polish Civil Registration
– Polish Genealogical Websites

AGAD — Online Registry Books
Allenstein Indexing Project – Association for Family Research in East and West Prussia eV
Apokryf Ruski
Archiwum Państwowe w Koszalinie (State Archives in Koszalin)
Białystok State Archives
Bydgoszcz Archives
Diocese Archives of Koszalin
Diocese Archives of Kraków
Diocese of Tarnow
Dr. Reuben Drefs – Netzedistrikt (Noteć) – Heads of Households (1772)
Dr. Reuben Drefs – South Prussia – Heads of Households (1793/1794)
Dr. Reuben Drefs – West Prussia – Heads of Households (1773)
East German Family Research (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ostdeutscher Famileinforsch)
Evangelic Church Records
Evangelical Central Archives in Berlin
Galician Genealogy
Galician/Halychyna Vital Records (information)
Gesher Galicia
Genealogy In Archive
(Scans from Torun and Wloclawek State Archives)
Genealogy Indexer/Historical Directories
Genealogy of Poles Foundation
Genealogy of Halychyna/Eastern Galicia
Geneo JZI
Geneszukacz Wyszukiwarka Nazwisk (sister site to Geneteka)
Geneteka / How to make full use of this site (part 1; part 2; part 3)
German Genealogy Online
Inside the Polish National Archives in Kraków
Institute of National Remembrance
International Tracing Service
IPGS – Internet Polish Genealogical Source
Jamiński Zespół Indeksacyjny
Jewish Records Indexing — Poland
Kashubian Homeland
List of Unprocessed State Archive Vital Records
Lost Shoebox  – Discover what websites may contain digitized records for your region
Lubelski Index
Lutheran Churches in Russian Poland
Lwów Roman Catholic Archdiocese — 1604-1945
Lwów State Archives
Main Database of Poland’s PGS
Małopolskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne
Meldunkowe.Genealodzy / Population Registers
Metryki.GenBaza / Metryki.GenBaza (Map)
Metryki.genealodzy / How to use this site
Metryka Józefińska – Land Tax Census
National Archives in Kraków
National Archives in Przemyśl
National Archives in Suwałki
Odessa Digital Library – A German-Russian Genealogical Library
Olsztyn Archives
Podlasie and Mazowsze Genealogy Sources
Poland Church Records (FamilySearch)
Polish American Historical Association
Polish Church Archives (FBPGG)
Polishfamily.com_Debbie Greenlee
Polish Folk Musical Instruments
Polish Genealogy Databases Online
Polish State Archives (General information)
Polish State Archives (Includes Addresses, Phone & Bank Account #’s, etc.)
Polish Traditions and Superstitions
Pomerania – Church Books and Civil Records
Pomerania / Świętogen (FBPGG) – new GenBaza
Pomeranian Genealogical Association (PTG)
Population Register (1870-1931) — Poznań City Files Collection
Poznań Project
Projekt Kurpie
Projekt Warmia

Przemyśl National Archives
Ruthenian Apocrypha Project
Rzeszów State Archives
SearchArchives.pl (Szukaj w Archiwach)
/ Descriptor
SEZAM and Zosia Databases
Slupca Genealogy (Indexed records of Slupca and Kalisz)
South Prussia
State Archives in Olsztyn
State Archives in Poznań – POPULATION RECORDS 1870-1931
State Archives in Suwałki
State Archives in Szczecin Scans
The Miriam Weiner Routes to Roots Foundation – A Genealogical and Family History guide to Jewish and civil records in Eastern Europe
Torun Archives
VFFOW – Verein für Familienforschung in Ost- und Westpreußen e. V. 
Villages in Poland
Warsaw Military Archive
Western Pomeranian Genealogical Society / Zachodniopomorskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne POMERANIA
Wrocław Ossoliński Archive

FBC – On-line collections of Polish cultural and scientific institutions
Malopolska Digital Library
Martin Opitz Library / Descriptor
Podkarpackie Digital Library
Polona — Polish Digital Library
Silesian Digital Library