
Tabella miast, wsi, osad Królestwa Polskiego, z wyrażeniem ich położenia i ludności, alfabetycznie ułożona w Biórze Kommissyi Rządowéy Spraw Wewnętrznych i Policyi 
Alphabetical List of Towns, Villages, and Settlements of the Polish Kingdom in 1827
This gazetteer allows researchers to identify the record office and parish assigned to their ancestral village in the Russian partition.
Volume 1 – TOM_I_1827   A – Ł (searchable PDF download)
Volume 2 – TOM_II_1827 M – Ż (djvu)
Volume 2 – TOM _II_1827 M – Ż (Alternate viewing) (searchable PDF download)

Skorowidz Królestwa Polskiego
Alphabetical List of Towns, Villages, and Settlements of the Polish Kingdom in 1877

This gazetteer allows researchers to identify the record office and parish assigned to their ancestral village in the Russian partition.
Volume 1 – TOM_I_1877 Abram młyn – Nykiel (searchable djvu)
Volume 2  –  TOM_II_1877 Obałki – Życzyn w i fol. (searchable djvu)

Skorowidz miejscowości Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z oznaczeniem terytorjalnie im właściwych władz i urzędów oraz urządzeń komunikacyjnych / Index of Place names of the Republic of Poland with corresponding governmental agencies and offices, including communication facilities
This 1934 combined two volume publication edited by Tadeusz Bystrzycki is particularly valuable for finding communities located in those areas that were in Poland between WW I and WW II; but later were incorporated into the Soviet Union and are now in Belarus, Lithuania, and Ukraine.

Brevis descriptio historico-geographica ecclesiarum archidioecesis Gnesnensis et Posnaniensis ad ordinem decanatuum digestarum…
This list provides the location of parishes of the archdioceses of Gniezno and Poznań in 1888; and with minor deviations, serves as the basis for villages in the Poznan Project.
Catholic Churches in Poznań & Gniezno in 1888 (searchable PDF)

Wykaz Parafii w Polsce 2006
Catholic Churches in Poland in 2006 (searchable PDF)

View all the town names in Eastern European Galicia as they existed in 1900. The list will include the judicial and administrative districts of each town; and the location of the Jewish, Roman Catholic, and Greek Catholic congregations or parishes for that time period.
Galician Town Locator (Gesher Galicia)

Najnowszy Skorowidz Wszystkich Miejscowości z Przysiółkami w Królestwie Galicyi (1914) — by Jan Bigo

Galician Gazetteer – noninclusive (Polish and Ukrainian spellings)

Genealogical Gazetteer of Galicia by Brian Lenius – 3rd Edition (for purchase)

German Gazetteers: What You Can Learn from Early Maps of Poland and Germany – FamilySearch Blog

German Gazetters Online and Parish Register Inventories (FamilySearch)

Skorowidz wszystkich miejscowości położonych w Królestwie Galicyi i Lodomeryi jakoteż w Wielkiem Księstwie Krakowskiem i Księstwie Bukowińskiem, pod względem politycznej i sądowej organizacyi kraju wraz z dokładnem oznaczeniem parafii, poczt i właścicieli tabularnych, ułożony porządkiem abecadłowym, z mapą według nowego podziału / Index of all towns located in the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeryi, as well as in the Grand Duchy of Krakow and the Duchy of Bukowina, in terms of political and judicial organization of the country with the exact designation of the parish, postal and tabular owners, arranged in alphabetical order, with the map according to the new division
This Galician gazetteer was published in 1855 with explanations of abbreviations found on pages 5-6 written in both Polish and German; however, most of the writing is in Polish. There is also an 1868 version.

Najnowszy skorowidz wszystkich miejscowości z przysiółkami w Królestwie Galicyi, Wielkiem Księstwie Krakowskiem i Księstwie Bukowińskiem z uwzględnieniem wszystkich dotąd zaszłych zmian terytoryalnych kraju / The latest index of all villages with hamlets in the Kingdom of Galicia, the Grand Duchy of Krakow and the Duchy of Bukowino, taking into account all the territorial changes of the country
This Galician gazetteer credited to Jan Bigo was published in 1897.

Hungary — Dvorzsák Gazetteer 
This 1877 gazetteer, commonly known as the Dvorzsák Gazetteer, refers to it’s editor, János Dvorzsák. It is a two volume set with Volume I being an index. The three numbers after a place name in the index represent the county, the district, and the locality in Volume II. Localities are arranged by counties; and within the counties by districts. You can identify the number of congregants by religion per village, an indication where the main parish was located, and summary counts of congregants by county and district. In summary, the Gazetteer is organized by county, district, and village. A link to a very nice 1893 version of the Dvorzsák Gazetteer is being offered here with abbreviations being found on page viii.


Donauschwabisches Ortsnamenbuch
This gazetteer offers the place names of the former German colonies in Hungary, the former Yugoslavia (now Yugoslavia and Croatia), and West Romania (the Banat and Satmar regions). It includes equivalent town names in German, Hungarian, Serbo-Croatian, and Romanian; and was published in 1987 by Isabella Regényi and Anton Scherer. 203 pages; Text in German.

Hungary — Genealogical Gazetteer of the Kingdom of Hungary
Information about more than 12,000 towns within the 19th century borders of the Kingdom of Hungary that today comprise regions of Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Ukraine. For each community, information is provided for the population by religion. If there was no local church or synagogue, the town where each congregation worshiped is indicated. This is key to identifying the Roman Catholic diocese, the church of record for the events of all faiths prior to civil registration in the 1850s. It is also useful in searching possible places of burial. Additional information about each town includes alternate names and its current name if no longer in Hungary. Towns can be searched alphabetically by their current name, former name, or alternate name(s). Compiled by Jordan Auslander, the author spent more than five years compiling the information which was based on the 1877 Dvorzsák Gazetteer. (for purchase)

Hungary — 1913 Gazetteer of Hungary
This 1913 gazetteer of Hungary has two sections with the first being a listing of settlements showing the number of residents. This section contains places county by county; and within counties, district by district. Section two is an alphabetical directory of settlements with more detailed information about their size and ethnicity as well as administrative and transport details. Counties that belonged to Croatia are not included in data.

Italy — Nuovo dizionario dei comuni e frazioni di comuni con le circonscrizioni amministrative
Italian Gazetteer (based on the 1961 census)

Komisja Standaryzacji Nazw Geograficznycg poza Granicami Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Commission on Standardization of Geographical Names Outside the Republic of Poland. Gazetteer of Poland – 2015

Shtetl Seeker
The JewishGen Gazetteer contains the names of one million localities in 54 countries in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. For more hits, try using the Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex, rather than Beider-Morse Phonetic Matching.
JewishGen Gazetteer — Shtetl Seeker

Welcome to the most comprehensive database of its kind in the world. It contains 99,380 locations with over 45,115 name changes once, and 5,500 twice and more. All locations are east of the Oder and Neisse rivers and are based on the borders of the eastern provinces in Spring, 1918. Included in this database are the following provinces: Eastprussia, including Memel, Westprussia, Brandenburg, Posen, Pomerania, and Silesia. It currently list most towns or points, points being: Mills, some bridges, battlefields, named trees, cenotaphs etc.  Kartenmeister

Kresy Gazetteer 
Database of 54,812 places from voivodeships:

  • Białostockie
  • Lwowskie,
  • Nowogródzkie,
  • Poleskie,
  • Stanisławowskie,
  • Tarnopolskie,
  • Wileńskie,
  • Wołyńskie,
  • partly Krakowskie and Lubelskie

with assignments to gminas and counties. Places are assigned also to Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic parishes. All shown assignments are based on the early 30 years of 20th century before administrative reform in 1938. The database also contains a list of church books contained in record group 618/2 from the Central Historical Ukrainian State Archive in Lwów with the number of microfilms in the FamilySearch Library. About 91 percent of places are located on a map made from scans of maps printed before WWII by the Military Institute of Geography. Eastern Borderland Places

Polish to Lithuanian — Village Name Conversions
Thanks to the Chief Surveyor of the country of Poland, an online 2012 list of former villages of Poland now located within Lithuania is presented.
Village Name Conversions

Lithuanian Gazetteer – 1939
The information in this database was compiled from the “Gazetteer to the Map of Lithuania” produced by Professor Antanas Salys, Ph. D. of the University of Philadelphia. The information from this gazetteer was based on the independent Republic of Lithuania as of 1939, before the annexation of Klaipėda territory by Nazi Germany on the eve of World War II and the Soviet invasion of June 1940. The information in this database also includes the Polish occupied Vilnius region (1920-1939).
Lithuanian Gazetteer – 1939

Catholic Churches in Lithuania – 1993 publication by Kazys Misius
Catholic Churches in Lithuania: The Guide [ISBN: 998640505X 9789986405054] – 1993 publication by Kazys Misius

Lithuania – Vilnius – Brasław Dekanat – 1784
Catholic Churches in the Diocese of Vilnius in 1784 – Brasław Deanery

Lithuania – Places in the World

Meyers Orts- und Verkehrs-Lexikon des Deutschen Reichs (published 1912-1913)
This online gazetteer lists every place name in the German Empire (1871-1918) providing the state and other jurisdictions where the civil registry office was located; and parishes if that town had any.
Meyers Gazetteer of the German Empire (Map)
Meyers Gazetteer of the German Empire (Gazetteer)
Meyers Gazetteer of the German Empire (Description)

Nazwy Miejscowe Polski: Historia, Pochodzenie, Zmiany. Tom 1, A–B. Scroll down the page to Similar Objects and then click More to see other volumes available online. Series is unfinished.

Genealogische Orts-Verzeichnis (GOV)
The Historic Gazetteer

Global Gazetteer Series
This series contains links to current gazetteers that include Austria, Belarus, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine. Information that can be found for each city within a country would include the region, longitude and latitude, elevation, and estimated population.
Global Gazetteers

Geographical Dictionary of the Polish Kingdom (1880-1902)
The Słownik is a valuable source for geographical, historical, biographical, demographic, and economic information for the Polish Kingdom during the late 19th century.
Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego

Słownik Geograficzny — Interpretation
Słownik Geograficzny — Some translated entries

Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavic countries (1880-1914)
This multi-volume Słownik series proves to be a valuable resource for geographical, historical, biographical, demographic, and economic information for the Polish Kingdom during the late 19th century; and includes other Slavic countries.
Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i innych krajów słowiańskich

Gemeindelexikon für das Königreich Preußen: auf Grund der Materialen der Volkszählung vom 01 Dezember 1905 und anderer amtlicher Quellen
Parish lexicon for the Kingdom of Prussia: based on the material of the census of
01 December 1905 and other official sources (publication 1907-1909)

Müllers Verzeichnis der jenseits der Oder-Neiße gelegenen, unter fremder Verwaltung stehenden Ortschaften – 1958
Gazetteer of German place name changes after the second world war for places now located in Poland and Russia. (FamilySearch – microfiche)

Spis miejscowości Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej – 1968 (List of localities of the Polish People’s Republic) Polish gazetteer for 1968.

Gemeindelexikon der im Reichsrate vertretenen Königreiche und Länder : bearbeitet auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Volkszählung vom 31. Dezember 1900
Gazetteers of each of the States of the Austrian Empire.

Romania Gazetteers

Maps/Gazetteers of Slovakia

Familienforschung in Westpreußen (Family research in West Prussia)

SGGEE Volhynian Gazetteer
Volhynia/Wołyń Location Gazetteer (searchable PDF)
Volhynia/Wołyń History

United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN)

Villages in Poland

Changes in place names in former Yugoslavia 1948-1990 (searchable PDF)