
Researchers In Poland - Polish Genealogical Society of Connecticut and the  Northeast, Inc.Daniel Bućko — Daniel is a graduate of Poland’s most prestigious university (Uniwersytet Jagiellonski in Kraków) and has over twenty years of experience as a genealogical researcher. He speaks English, Russian, and Belarussian in addition to his native Polish; and has done research in archives in Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, and the USA. His research covers all document types including vital records, tax documents, censuses, and virtually any type of document which is of genealogical significance. Daniel can be contacted at:

Kasia_etcDiscovering Roots Kasia, Magda, & Łukasz are a group of licensed tour guides, historians, and professional genealogists who have been working mostly in Poznan,  Greater Poland and the surrounding areas. Our team members can help you find out more about your ancestors and the places they used to live.

DorainDorian Olszewski – Vital Record Translations — Russian or Polish to English: Birth and Death records ($15.00 U.S.); Marriage records ($20.00 U.S.) – Send requests to:
Payments are to be made through PayPal to as the recipient of the monies; and to be paid promptly upon receipt of the translated documents.

English to Russian (Transliterating English to Russian)

From Shepherds and Shoemakers – Julie Roberts Szezepankiewicz — I enjoy sharing research strategies and resources via genealogy lectures and webinars, which I’ve given for Polish genealogical societies nationally and regionally, as well as for local genealogical societies and library groups. Please note that I am not presently accepting clients for genealogical research.

alexmapa2Genoroots – Aleksandra Kacprzak — If there is anything to be found in the archives, I will find it. My native language is Polish and I can speak English. I read Cyrillic, Latin, and German documents. My lively attitude, zeal for investigation, and friendly demeanor make me very effective in finding the elusive members of families. I can organize and conduct personal tours to hometowns, archives, and historical places in Poland according to your demands.

KatGerman – English Genealogy Translation Services – Katherine Schober — As a St. Louis native with German ancestry and a love for languages, I earned both my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in German. As a German-English translator with a focus on genealogy, I truly enjoy my work.

UteGerman Script Experts — Ute Brandenburg’s research interests include tracing immigrants to their German hometowns, building family trees with German records, and studying the life experiences of emigrants. Recently, she has had notable success in using DNA matches to break down difficult cases of unknown hometown origin. She also has a keen interest in Jewish emigration from German-speaking countries.

Global Slovakia — Global Slovakia is a Slovak-based, not-for-profit organization founded in 2017 by two Slovaks who are both scholars and experts on their home country. Zuzana Palovic, is an academic whose work focuses on migrations in Central and Eastern Europe. Gabriela Bereghazyova holds a PhD in political  and social patterns within Slovakia.

vilius2Information Bureau – Vilius Vaseikis (Lithuanian Researcher) — We want to help English-speaking Lithuanians reconnect with their roots.  In truth, we love genealogy; and we are proud of Lithuania and its history of courage and perseverance.  It is very satisfying when we connect Lithuanian descendants to their roots here.

Kashubian Guide – ZAMEK ZABORSKI — Stanisław Frymark is prepared to serve those seeking their roots in Kashubia — searching for ancestors, finding ancestral villages, accessing records, translations of Polish, Kashubian, and German to English.; and even occasionally finding/contacting distant relatives.

guide-poland-2142Kraków — Marta Chmilewska is a licensed Krakow City Guide; Nr/Card No: PM/39/01 by Marshal of Voivodeship; as well as an English speaking tour leader; Nr/Card No: PW/203/2000 by Marshal of Voivodeship. She comes highly recommended by Rick Steves, America’s leading authority on European travel.

LucjanPolish Ancestry Research – Łucjan Cichocki — My adventure with tracing family histories started in 2013 with a visit to the diocesan archive in Przemyśl. A friend of mine showed me what old nineteenth century vital records looked like and what information they contained. Gradually I became more and more accustomed to various kinds of longhand; and was able to maximize the results of my work while minimizing the time needed to complete it. Genealogy research is my full-time occupation and I am honored to have discovered the roots of many.

MaciejPolish Documents – Maciej Orzechowski — Discovering roots is like discovering identity; our mission is to help you accomplish this. Polish Archives have documents with names of millions of Polish people that lived in the past. You can find names of your ancestors in metrical books, notary records, cadastral maps, censuses, court documents, and many others. Our goal is to bring you closer to all of these documents.

Polish to English (rough translations –
Polish to English (rough translations – Google Translate)

Polish to Russian – Given Names (Cursive – Male and Female)

PolishOrigins – Genealogy and History Tours in Eastern Europe and Genealogy Research Services — The cause of our existence is to make the journey of uncovering your roots in old Poland fruitful, smooth, and an eventful experience.

Slovak Ancestry – Michal Rázus — Discover your ancestral town and explore the old home of your forefathers. Trace the paths of your ancestors and reveal the secrets of the past. Visit the church where your family members were baptized and married or find the graves of those that remained in Slovakia.

Juraj-tour-guide-2020-Slovakia-a-www-cisarik-com1Slovakia – Tourist Guide & Archive Researcher — Juraj Čisárik has always had a passion for Eastern European history. His knowledge of old Slavonic language comes from his studies with local priests and parishes. Juraj developed an interest in genealogy when researching his own Byzantine family history from the early 1600s. He speaks Slovak, English, Polish, Czech, and Rusyn; and has an excellent working knowledge of Hungarian place names and old Slavonic folk customs.

Tadeusz PilatTadeusz H. Pilat, MLS, AG® specializes in Polish, German, Russian, and Latin written genealogical records with extensive knowledge of family coat-of-arms. For his clients that choose to visit Poland, he will accompany them to look for living family and provide translation services. Mr. Pilat performs heir tracing for lawyers both inside and outside of Poland. Contact information:

12369023_10107580273093774_3632485087808187416_n-4-193x300Twisted Twigs on Gnarled Branches – NARA Record Retrieval Services — Deidre Erin Denton began researching her family tree at the inquisitive age of 11 after discovering an error in her Grandma Jayne’s framed Mayflower family tree that she received as a gift. While researching for her 10th great-grandfather Edward Winslow she discovered that Edward, who was on the Mayflower, was actually a great-granduncle. His brother, Kenelm Winslow, was Deidre’s 10th great-grandfather. That is where a mild interest in her family tree became the full-on obsession it is today.

Kinga UrbanskaYour Roots in Poland — Kinga Urbańska is a professional Polish genealogist, historian, archivist, and the founder of Your Roots in Poland and Twoje Korzenie w Polsce Foundation. Her group offers a free assessment of research possibilities.

Bydgoszcz – Lidia Zawrot — I am a genealogist, historian, and archivist. I read documents in Latin, German, Russian, and Polish as well as in the old forms of these languages.